Wednesday, 27 July 2016

An introduction...

Do you ever get the feeling that your always alone and that secretly everyone is just waiting for you to fall even though you know they love you? These feelings are confusing and can change moments in just a few moments.
I'm writing on this blog as an expression of what is on my mind, whether its a photo, a post entry about my thoughts or recent things I have found or music or just something that has captured my mind set at a particular moment. Memorable or not. I think it help to express things inside you, there's something just so satisfying to find a simple media that expresses it. It's quite insane really how through all of the though, motions and feelings we experience everyday, only a handful of them were important enough to be remembered at the end of the day, and a select few able to be expressed in words, pictures, songs or items.
Yeah this is pretty deep but its a reflection of my mind, so really what else can it be... Our minds can do anything.
Its the small things in life that matter after all